Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Priscila left Brazil when she was only 9 years old. She went back a few times and each visit has its limits on who can be visited. This time, we visited family members on her father's side, her cousin Marcos. Here is a picture of Marcos two sons (Priscila's first time meeting them) with Mikely, Priscila's other cousin who drove us around for the day.

Here is Marcos, who continued the family business that Priscila's dad and younger brother started when P was a little girl. Twenty years ago, P's dad and brother just worked from home, replacing broken windows for the neighbors, now the business has grown a tons, and Goulart Vidros (Goulart Glass), works mostly with commercial buildings. What a blessing...

Marcos could not remember who Priscila was for a long time. Who can blame him, she was only 9 when she left and he was in his teens. Slowly by the time we left, he faintly remembered which of the girls Priscila was - the chubby one...

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