At Cabo Frio beach we had tons of ACAI berry with granola and honey. Right behind me is Priscila's nephew, James, drinking his afternoon milk...
Our first day at the beach, Jer received a big "Welcome to Brazil" from the sea critter jelly fish... we learned that the jelly fish will not sting the palm of the hand. The beach was clear of jelly fish on the second day. We were the whitest people on the beach....
On a rainy and darker day, Jeremy took some time to go body surfing since the waves were pretty big. Here is mom and dad watching their oldest trying something new. The best part for me (pri) was watching Jeremy come out of the water and say "Can I have 5 more minutes?" to his parents.... I felt like I was watching Jer's life as a little kid right in front of me. Mom and Dad just watched, talked and enjoyed their son taking on a new skill.... As soon as the sun set, the beach was cleared and everyone went to their homes for safety reasons. No walking on the beach by yourself at night!
Jer and Pri, nice job with the blog and pix. I'll be following the progress. Great way to bring back such great memories.